On June 7th, EV4EU Portuguese partners met in Lisbon for an overview meeting of the work being developed at INESC ID, under the PT Demonstrator.
Among the nineteen participants, were members from the Smart Energy Lab (Rui Costa, Catarina Rocha, Catarina Nogueira, and Diogo Brito), from NEW (João Mateus, Carlos Cardoso and Francisco Branco), EDA (Tarcísio Silva) and INESC ID (Hugo Morais, Cindy P. Guzman, Larissa Montefusco, João Taveira, Herbert Amezquita and Marcelo Forte) were able to discuss the latest developments of the Portuguese Demo test Labs.
The event started with a session at INESC ID facilities, to share an overview of the ongoing work being developed by the INESC ID team. Cindy P. Guzman started the round of presentations, introducing the Portuguese Demo control architecture, graphical user interface and implementation protocols.

The presentations continued with Herbert Amezquita reviewing the Forecast Module of EV4EU Control Architecture followed by Marcelo Forte who spoke about the project Task 4.3. “Co-simulation platform” that includes research work on user energy needs, energy consumption and traffic monitoring. Cindy P. Guzman wrapped up the round of presentations summarizing the main results obtained in the Task 4.5 for the Portuguese case, which counts on Mário Nunes and António Grilo (INESC ID), who were also part of the meeting.
After the session, the group moved to the facilities of Instituto Superior Técnico Electric Machines Laboratory where the Demo tests are being developed. Cindy P. Guzman and Larissa Montefusco, both researchers at INESC ID, conducted demonstrations of the Demonstrator tests at a laboratory level and showcased the functionality of the control architecture for the Portuguese demonstrator considering EV management in houses.
According to Cindy P. Guzman at this point, the functionality of our control architecture was successfully validated through several real scenarios by increasing energy efficiency, taking advantage of the solar generation to meet the demand for electric mobility, and reducing energy bill to the users through intelligent charging of electric vehicles in a home environment. Currently the INESC ID team is focused on the validation of the functionality of our control architecture in a Company and Building environments, in which several adaptations according to the proper ecosystem of them have been required.

The Demo implementation is planned for June at EDA facilities in the Island of São Miguel in the Azores.
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