Between June 25 and 27, EV4EU researchers Matej Zajc (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Hugo Morais, Cindy P. Guzman and Herbert Amezquita (INESC-ID, Portugal) attended the 22nd edition of the IEEE MELECON 2024 Conference. in Porto, Portugal.
Supported by the IEEE Portugal Section, MELECON is one of the flagship conferences of the EEE Region 8 and a major international forum for presenting innovative design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies.
On June 26th, the EV4EU project hosted a Special Session titled “Enabling Electric Mobility for Sustainable Grids, Cities, and Society,” counting on the participation of the V2X Cluster Horizon Europe project member Drive 2X and XL Connect The session featured six papers showcasing outstanding research results on e-mobility, vehicle charging, flexibility services, and V2X. It provided an excellent platform for paper presenters and co-authors to share cutting-edge findings and engage in discussions on these topics.

According to Matej Zajc “this was a great opportunity for the EV4EU project team to organize this session at MELECON 2024. Together with colleagues from V2X cluster and research groups from University of Lille, University of Bari and DLR, we exchanged results and ideas We discussed topics such as designing of co-simulation tools, creating digital twins and development of demonstrator sites for advanced e-mobility solutions. I am grateful to Hugo Morais for co-chairing the session and Cindy P. Guzman and Tim Marentič for helping with the organization.”
The presented papers will be available at the IEEE Xplore portal.
On June 27th The EV4EU project also featured in the Session “Learning and Control in Energy Systems”, with a presentation by INESC ID researcher Herbert Amezquita titled “A Computational Implementation to Forecast Electric Vehicles Usage in the Power System”. Under the EV4EU project, the researcher is evaluating forecasting methodologies of electric vehicles usage in power systems.

The MELECON Conference brought together in Porto worldwide researchers and experts from different fields of Electrical Engineering, in plenary sessions, technical and special sessions, panels, and special events devoted to students and young professionals, Women in Engineering, entrepreneurs and industries.
More about the event here.
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