Follow the EV4EU project progress

  • Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Impact of V2X in energy and power systems. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Regulatory opportunities and barriers for V2X deployment in Europe.DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Business Models Centred in the V2X value chain. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • V2X Use Cases Repository. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Real-scale prototype of V2X management station. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Control Strategies for V2X Integration in Houses. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Control Strategies for V2X Integration in Buildings. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Optimal management of V2X in parking lots. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Optimal management of EV fleets in companies. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • EV Users’ Needs and Concerns – Preliminary Report. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Apps and Tools design principles promoting EVs and V2X. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • EVs use Clustering results report. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Distribution Network Planning Strategies considering V2X Flexibilities. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Scheduling and Real-Time Operation Strategies to Control. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Integration of V2X in Charging Point Operators and Virtual. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Impact of mass deployment of V2X in energy markets and services. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  • Information Exchange needs to enable different UCs. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Standardization gap analysis for new V2X related Business Models. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • High-level design of Open V2X Management Platform (O-V2X-MP). DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Cyber-security and Privacy analysis for V2X services. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Open V2X Management Platform. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • APIs and APPs allowing V2X user interaction. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities – Update. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Innovation Strategy. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Exploitation Plan. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • Standardisation activities plan.DOWNLOAD PDF

Get to know more about EV4EU project with our scientific publications

  • “Dataset on Electric Road Mobility: Historical and Evolution Scenarios until 2050”. Cavalcante, I., Rodrigues da Silva, A., Zajc, M. et al. Nature Scientific Data. LINK. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • “Experimental Investigation of a Distributed Architecture for EV Chargers Performing Frequency Control”. Striani S., Pedersen K., Engelhardt J., Marinelli M.  World Electrical Vehicle Journal. LINK. DOWNLOAD PDF
  • “Forecasting Electric Vehicles Charging Behavior in Charging Stations: A Data Science-Based Approach”. Amezquita H., P. Guzman C., Morais  H.  Energies 2024117 (14), 3396. LINK. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  • “A Case Study on Electric Vehicles as Nationwide Battery Storage to Meet Slovenia’s Final Energy Consumption with Solar Energy”. Mendek I., Marentič T.,  Anžur K, Zajc M. Energies 202417 (11), 2733. LINK. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Optimal set of electric vehicles user profiles for participation in services” (in Slovenian). Mendek I., Marentič T., Anžur K.,  Zajc M.. ERK 2024 Conference (Portorož, Slovenia)
  •  “Development of EV profiles for testing selected use cases with V2X technology” (in Slovenian). Marentič T., Mendek I., Golubović D., Anžur K., Zajc M. ERK 2024 Conference (Portorož, Slovenia). DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “The Open V2X Management Platform”. Dalamagkas C., Georgakis A., Hrissagis-Chrysagis K., Papadakis G. Web Engineering Conference – pp 133–146 (ICWE 2024)
  •  “Time Series Problems in the Energy Sector“. Dalamagkas C., Georgakis A., Papadopoulos I., Hrissagis-Chrysagis K., Papadakis G. DOWNLOAD PDF I LINK
  •  Open V2X Management Platform Cyber-Resilience and Data Privacy Mechanisms“. Lekidis A., Morais H.
    ARES ’24: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (Article No.: 139, Pages 1 – 8). LINK. 
  • Optimal Management of Electric Vehicles in Building”. Guzman C.P., Branco F., Matias S., Montefusco L., Amezquita H., Taveira J., Grilo A. , Nunes M., Garcês T., Morais H.” CIRED 2024 (June 19-20, 2024. Vienna, Austria). DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Estimation of Electric Vehicles With V2G Capabilities Potential for Market Participation”. Marentič T., Mendek I.,  Kos A., Malenšek M., Morais H., Zajc M. 2024 IEEE Melecon (June 25-27, 2024. Porto, Portugal).
  •  “A Computational Implementation to Forecast Electric Vehicles Usage in the Power System”. Amezquita H., Guzman C.P., Morais H. 2024 IEEE Melecon (June 25-27, 2024. Porto, Portugal).
  •  “Distributed control of electric vehicle clusters for user-based power scheduling”. Cao, X.; Ziras,C.; Engelhardt, J. ; and Marinelli, M. Presented at 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ITECAsia-Pacific59272.2023.10372266. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Bidirectional power exchange between electric vehicles and the grid V2G for the development of flexibility services with aggregation of EV fleet”. Marentič, T.; Mendek, I.; Anžur, K.; Zajc, M. Electrotechical review, volume 90, 5, 259-264, 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •   “PyECOM: A Python tool for analyzing and simulating Energy Communities”. Gomes, E.; Pereira, L.; Esteves, A.; Morais, H. SoftwareX, vol.24, 101580. 2023.  DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Economic Advantages of EV participation in Grid Services for homeowners and utilities.” Branco, F.; Matias, S; Mateus, J; Lascano, C.; Pereira, M.; Amezquita, H.; Morais, H. Presented at 7th APEEN Annual Conference, ISEL, Portugal. 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “A Computational Implementation for Creating Electric Vehicles Profiles.” Guzman, C. P.; Gomes, E.;  Pereira, L.; Morais, H. Paper presented at IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023 (ISGT Europe 2023), Université Grenoble Alpes, France. 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Energy Resources Scheduling in Energy Communities: A comparison between Mixed Integer Linear Programming and hybrid-adaptive differential evolution with decay function”. Gomes, E.;  Pereira, L.; Morais, H. Paper presented at IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023 (ISGT Europe 2023), Université Grenoble Alpes, France. 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF.
  •  “Online optimization of a workplace electric vehicle charging station under grid constraints”. Malkova, A.; Zepter, J. M.; Marinelli, M. Paper presented at 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, Lyngby, Denmark. 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “A semi-distributed charging strategy for electric vehicle clusters”. Cao, X.; Striani, S.; Engelhardt, J.; Ziras, C.; Marinelli, M. Energy Reports, Volume 9, Supplement 12,362-367, 2023 PDF
  •  “Laboratory Validation of Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Strategies”. Malkova, A.; Striani, S.; Zepter, J. M.; Marinelli, M.; & Calearo, L. In Proceedings of 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2023) IEEE. 2023.  DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “Bidirectional electric vehicle charging for flexibility services development”. Marentič, T.; Mendek, I.; Zajc, M. 32th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2023, Portorož, Slovenia. 2023.  DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “Modeling demand response of Charge Point Operators to consider flexibility in grid planning”. Jerónimo, A.M.; Carvalho, P.M.S.; Jesus, C.; Dias, L.; Ferreira, L. M.; Morais, H. 2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies  (SEST),  Mugla, Turkey, pp. 1-6, 2023doi: 10.1109/SEST57387.2023.10257387.  DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “Intelligent Participation of Electric Vehicles in Demand Response Programs”. Guzmán, C.P.; Lekidis, A.; Pediaditis, P.; Carvalho, P.M.S.; Morais, H. 2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), Mugla, Turkey, pp. 1-6, 2023doi: 10.1109/SEST57387.2023.10257505. DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “V2X Integration in self-consumption energy management system”. Matias, S.; Mateus, J.; Pereira, M.; Silva, T.; Furtado, A.; Ziras, C.; Marinelli, M.; Dias, L.; Rodrigues, R.; Morais, H. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2023, p. 628-632, 2023, 10.1049/icp.2023.0437 .  DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “Development of V2G services within the EV4EU project: planning of the Slovenian demonstrator”. Mendek, I.; Kos, A.; Fajgelj, M.; Jug, M.; Smole, A.; Lacko, R.; Zajc, M. 16th Conference of Slovenian Electrical Power Engineers, CIGRE SK D3-291, Bled, 2023DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “P2P flexibility markets models to support the coordination between the transmission system operators and distribution system operators”. Marques, J.; Soares, T.; Morais, H. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 34, 101055, 2023 PDF
  •  “On the trade-off between profitability, complexity and security of forecasting-based optimization in residential energy management systems”. Müller, N.; Marinelli, M.; Heussen, K.; Ziras, C. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 34,101033, 2023 PDF
  •  “Electric Vehicles Charging Using Photovoltaic Energy Surplus: A Framework Based on Blockchain”. Cavalcante, I.; Júnior, J.; Manzolli, J.A.; Almeida, L.; Pungo, M.; Guzman, C.P.; Morais, H. Energies 16, 2694, 2023 PDF
  •  Model-Driven Engineering Techniques and Tools for Machine Learning-Enabled IoT Applications: A Scoping Review”. Mardani Korani Z.; Moin A.; Rodrigues da Silva A.; Ferreira J.CSensors, 23(3):1458, 2023 DOWNLOAD PDF
  •  “New approaches for Electric Vehicles Charging Management in Parking Lots considering fairness rules”. Morais, H. Electric Power Systems Research, 217, 109107, 2023. PDF 
  •  New technologies for optimal scheduling of electric vehicles in renewable energy-oriented power systems: A review of deep learning, deep reinforcement learning and blockchain technology”. Ma, W.; Hu, J.; Yao, L.; Fu, Z.; Morais, H.; Marinelli, M.Energy Convers.  Econ. 3345-359, 2022 DOWNLOAD PDF

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Take a look at our promotion materials: EV4EU Rollup, flyers and videos

  • 2023 I Energy Resources Scheduling in Energy Communities: A comparison between Mixed Integer Linear Programming and Hybrid-adaptive Differential Evolution with decay function. Paper 23PESGM1491-OzAWoOQIk, ISGT Europe 2023. Authors: Eduardo Gomes, Lucas Pereira, Hugo Morais.  VIEW POSTER
  • 2023 I V2X Integration in Self-Consumption Energy Management. Poster 11330. CIRED 2023 – International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 12 June, 2023. Authors: Samuel Matias, João Mateus, Manuel Pereira, Tarcísio Silva, António Furtado, Charalampos Ziras, Mattia Marinelli, Luiz Dias , Rafael Rodrigues, Hugo Morais. VIEW POSTER
  • 2024 I Project EV4EU Clustering Applications in Electric Mobility. INESC Brussels Winter Meeting 2024. Authors: Marcelo Forte, Cindy P. Guzman, Hugo Morais. VIEW POSTER
  • 2024 I Optimal Management of Electric Vehicles in a Building Environment: Real Cloud Development. CIRED 2024. Authors: Cindy P. Guzman, Larissa Montefusco, Herbert Amezquita, João Taveira, António Grilo, Mário Nunes, Toni Garcês, Hugo Morais (INESC ID); Francisco Branco, Samuel Matias (EDP NEW); Miguel Quinto Direção Regional de Energia. VIEW POSTER. 

  • 2023 I Modelling Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Flexibility for Long-Term Distribution Network Planning. António Maria Jerónimo (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Clustering Applications in E-mobility. Marcelo Braço Forte. (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Enterprise Architecture for EV ecosystems. Francisco Pavão. (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Impact of mass deploymnet of EV energy and power system. Pedro Pereira (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Optimization of routes of EV taking into account the status of charging stations. Gonçalo Fernandes (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Development and testing of smart charging strategies for a workplace parking lot.  Kristoffer Pederson (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Optimal operation of renewable-powered EV charging stations. Miguel Moreno Yerro (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Vehicle to grid services for prosumers. Caroline Thellefsen and Laura Lomholt (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF.
  • 2023 I Standardization of local flexibility markets through capacity limitation services. Shahatphonk Pechrak (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF.
  • 2024 I Impact of Autonomous Electric Vehicles on Power. João Ricardo Nunes. (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2024 I Optimal Scheduling of Demand-Responsive Services from Electric Vehicles in Distribution Grids. Pedro Chaves (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2024 I Multi-Port Electric Vehicle Charging Solution – Concept and Design. Maria Margarida Domingues Rita. (Instituto Superior Técnico I INESC-ID – Portugal). THESIS PDF.
  • 2024 I Flexibility and profitability quantification for an aggregation of EVs providing frequency service. Julian Marius Mittag. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Experimental characterization and testing of vehicle-to-grid charging technologies. Rasmus Meier Knudsen. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Optimization and techno-economic assessment of a residential prosumer. Phillip Grønlykke Mondrup. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Analysis and testing of frequency services provided by electric vehicle clusters. Pietro Zunino. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Implementation and test of the open charge point protocol in an autonomous charger for electric vehicles. Martin Ellehammer Hansen. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Business cases and technological trends in vehicle-to-grid applications for residential users and fleet vehicles. Pauline Thune and David Eduardo Santos. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Experimental characterisation and assessment of state-of-the-art V2X equipment for electric vehicles. Gabriel Fabbri. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF. 
  • 2024 I Investigating the integration of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology in energy communities with private solar panels and electric vehicles. Mikkel Mørkeberg Wagner and Bjørn Jacobi Höyer. (DTU – Denmark). THESIS PDF.