EV4EU researchers Igor Mendek, Tim Marentič and Matej Zajc, from the University of Ljubljana attended the 33rd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference (ERK 2024), organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section. The event took place on September 26-27, 2024, in Portorož, Slovenia.
The UL team presented two conference papers both in slovenian titled ”Developing Electric Vehicle Profiles to Test Selected Use Cases of V2X Technologies” authored by Tim Marentič, Igor Mendek, Dušan Golubović, Klara Anžur and Matej Zajc, and “Optimal Set of Electric Vehicle User Profiles to Participate in Services” by Igor Mendek with Tim Marentič, Klara Anžur, Matej Zajc.
In the upcoming weeks, the EV4EU project team in Slovenia will continue to share their research at the VEK Slovenian Energy Conference on October 17th and at the 4th SAEE Energy Economics Conference on November 22nd.
All EV4EU papers can be accessed here.

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