The CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop was EV4EU last stop and an opportunity for the project to be part of one of the main international European electricity distribution community meeting points.
From June 19 to 20, INESC ID Researchers Hugo Morais and Cindy P. Guzman were at the event to present the accepted poster “Optimal Management of EVs in a Building Environment: Real Cloud Development“, also co-authored by Larissa Montefusco, Herbert Amezquita Ortiz, João Pedro Taveira, António Grilo, Mario Nunes, Toni Garcês from INESC-ID; Francisco Branco and Samuel Matias (EDP NEW) and Miguel Quinto (Direção Geral Energia).
The Vienna Workshop is part of CIRED’s (International Community on Electricity Distribution) Workshops, one of the most important conference series for electricity distribution engineers.
The Vienna edition focused on increasing distribution network capacity and showcased ongoing projects driving the future of electricity distribution as the world transitions to renewable energy and a renewables-fed grid.
More about the event at CIRED 2024.

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